Bloomberg News Taking Cues From Fox On Climate Change

Bloomberg News gave a platform for a fossil-fuel funded climate misinformer to advance groundless allegations against scientists -- the second time this year it has drawn a false equivalence between top climate scientists and climate deniers.

In an article on the recently leaked draft of a climate change report authored by the world's top scientists, Bloomberg News quoted Marc Morano, who runs the industry-funded blog Climate Depot that Bloomberg described as “skeptical of climate change” (New York Times reporter Andrew Revkin has called it “divisive and toxic”). Morano has no scientific background, yet Bloomberg gave him space to baselessly assert that the report by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is based on “predetermined science” and will “add very little to the scientific debate.” The global panel of scientists actually determined with over 95 percent certainty that human activities are the primary drivers of climate change, and found that global sea levels are rising swiftly, potentially adding 3 feet by the end of the century and bringing devastating impacts to several parts of the world including three major cities in the United States.

Bloomberg's article paralleled Fox News' coverage of the report, which also quoted Morano in an effort to cast doubt on the IPCC's findings. In the article, promoted Morano's claim that “all of these fatuous figures are pulled out of the air to support the IPCC ideologies and not based upon any statistical analysis or science.” (The report is actually based on the synthesis of the peer-reviewed scientific literature by hundreds of top scientists.) 

This is the second time this year that Bloomberg has given false balance or “false equivalence” to claims that run counter to established climate science, even though the facts lie squarely in one camp. In May 2013, Bloomberg also gave a platform to Morano, uncritically repeating his absurd claim that catastrophically high carbon dioxide levels should be “welcomed” because “plants are going to be happy.”

Berkeley, Understanding and Science